Letters that make operation
a, o, e, n, p, r, t, i are letters that make 'operation'
Words within operation
ER, opera, Opera, pe, ti, ERA, ration, at, ratio, on, rat, RA, Io, ion, Ra, At, Er, Ti, era are words within 'operation'
a, o, e, n, p, r, t, i are letters that make 'operation'
ER, opera, Opera, pe, ti, ERA, ration, at, ratio, on, rat, RA, Io, ion, Ra, At, Er, Ti, era are words within 'operation'
operations is a word created by adding a letter to 'operation'
11 possible definitions for 'operation'
Under this definition, operation is a noun and has the following properties:
procedure has the same meaning as operation
'operation' can be a type of work.
function, work, go, operate, run, procedural are derivatives of 'operation'.
"the operations in building a house", "certain machine tool operations"
Under this definition, operation is a noun and has the following properties:
military operation has the same meaning as operation
'operation' can be a type of activity.
maneuver, manoeuvre, mission, offense, military campaign, psychological operation, support, attack, offensive, peacekeeping, campaign, combined operation, simulated military operation, naval campaign, military mission, reinforcement, reenforcement, onslaught, onset, onrush, offence, peacekeeping mission, peacekeeping operation, amphibious operation, information gathering, psyop, covert operation are types of 'operation'.
Meuse-Argonne, Meuse, Meuse River, Argonne, Argonne Forest, Meuse-Argonne operation, Operation Desert Storm. are instances of 'operation'
'operation' can be a category of armed services, military machine, war machine, armed forces, military.
"it was a joint operation of the navy and air force"
Under this definition, operation is a noun and has the following properties:
'operation' can be a type of business activity, commercial activity.
"a large-scale farming operation", "a multinational operation", "they paid taxes on every stage of the operation", "they had to consolidate their operations"
Under this definition, operation is a noun and has the following properties:
mental process, cognitive process, cognitive operation, process have the same meaning as 'operation'
basic cognitive process, higher cognitive process are types of 'operation'.
'operation' can be a category of psychology, psychological science.
operate is a derivative of operation.
"the process of thinking", "the cognitive operation of remembering"
Under this definition, operation is a noun and has the following properties:
'operation' can be a type of data processing.
memory access, multiplex operation, parallel operation, simultaneous operation, binary operation, threshold operation, search, sort, sorting, access, asynchronous operation, auxiliary operation, off-line operation, boolean operation, binary arithmetic operation, computer operation, machine operation, concurrent operation, control operation, control function, dyadic operation, fixed-cycle operation, logic operation, logical operation, monadic operation, unary operation, printing operation, lookup, serial operation, sequential operation, consecutive operation, synchronous operation are types of 'operation'.
'operation' can be a category of computer science, computing.
"it can perform millions of operations per second"
Under this definition, operation is a noun and has the following properties:
'operation' can be a type of action, activity, activeness.
running, commission, idle are types of 'operation'.
"that rule is no longer in operation"
Under this definition, operation is a noun and has the following properties:
performance, functioning have the same meaning as 'operation'
'operation' can be a type of physical process, process.
"the power of its engine determines its operation", "the plane's operation in high winds", "they compared the cooking performance of each oven", "the jet's performance conformed to high standards"
Under this definition, operation is a noun and has the following properties:
mathematical process, mathematical operation have the same meaning as 'operation'
'operation' can be a type of calculation, computation, computing.
permutation, maximization, relaxation method, relaxation, involution, construction, combination, integration, differentiation, exponentiation, arithmetic operation, matrix operation are types of 'operation'.
'operation' can be a category of mathematics, math, maths.
"the problems at the end of the chapter demonstrated the mathematical processes involved in the derivation", "they were learning the basic operations of arithmetic"
Under this definition, operation is a noun and has the following properties:
surgery, surgical operation, surgical procedure, surgical process have the same meaning as 'operation'
'operation' can be a type of medical procedure.
exenteration, eye operation, osteotomy, transplantation, organ transplant, arthroscopy, cryosurgery, dilation and curettage, myringoplasty, neurosurgery, palatopharyngoplasty, rhizotomy, strabotomy, tracheotomy, PPP, catheterization, castration, evisceration, implantation, transplant, extirpation, excision, sterilization, sterilisation, catheterisation, ablation, cutting out, amputation, angioplasty, arthroplasty, brain surgery, cautery, cauterization, cauterisation, chemosurgery, craniotomy, curettage, curettement, debridement, decortication, dilatation and curettage, D and C, electrosurgery, enterostomy, enterotomy, enucleation, wrong-site surgery, eye surgery, fenestration, gastrectomy, gastroenterostomy, gastrostomy, heart surgery, hemorrhoidectomy, haemorrhoidectomy, hysterotomy, intestinal bypass, jejunostomy, orchiopexy, major surgery, microsurgery, minor surgery, myotomy, myringectomy, myringotomy, ostomy, uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, UPPP, phlebectomy, photocoagulation, plastic surgery, reconstructive surgery, anaplasty, polypectomy, resection, rhinotomy, sex-change operation, transsexual surgery, Shirodkar's operation, purse-string operation, taxis, tracheostomy, trephination, tympanoplasty, uranoplasty, vasovasostomy, vivisection are types of 'operation'.
hemostasis, haemostasis, hemostasia, haemostasia, incision, section, surgical incision, suturing are parts of 'operation'.
'operation' can be a category of surgery.
decorticate, ablate, hypophysectomize, hypophysectomise, freeze, trepan, suction are categories of 'operation'.
operative, operate on, operate, surgical are derivatives of 'operation'.
"they will schedule the operation as soon as an operating room is available", "he died while undergoing surgery"
Under this definition, operation is a noun and has the following properties:
'operation' can be a type of activity.
rescue operation, undercover operation are types of 'operation'.
"they organized a rescue operation", "the biggest police operation in French history", "running a restaurant is quite an operation", "consolidate the companies various operations"
Under this definition, operation is a noun and has the following properties:
'operation' can be a type of activity.
'operation' can be a category of business, commercial enterprise, business enterprise.
"her smooth operation of the vehicle gave us a surprisingly comfortable ride"