Raffia taedigera

Letters that make Raffia taedigera

a, d, e, f, g, r, t, i are letters that make 'Raffia taedigera'

Words within Raffia taedigera

ER, ERA, RAF, Raffia, raffia, ED, dig, RA, IA, Ra, Er, Ge, Ta, Ig, IgE, era are words within 'Raffia taedigera'

1 possible definitions for 'Raffia taedigera'

Raffia Taedigera as "a tall Brazilian feather palm with a terminal crown of very large leathery pinnatisect leaves rising from long strong stems used for structural purposes"

Under this definition, raffia taedigera is a noun and has the following properties:


jupati, jupaty, jupati palm have the same meaning as 'Raffia taedigera'

Raffia taedigera as a type

'Raffia taedigera' can be a type of raffia palm, Raffia farinifera, Raffia ruffia.

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