Letters that make oppressive
s, o, e, p, r, i, v are letters that make 'oppressive'
Words within oppressive
RES, re, si, PR, oppress, SI, SS, iv, press, IV, Re, Es, Pr, Si are words within 'oppressive'
s, o, e, p, r, i, v are letters that make 'oppressive'
RES, re, si, PR, oppress, SI, SS, iv, press, IV, Re, Es, Pr, Si are words within 'oppressive'
2 possible definitions for 'oppressive'
Under this definition, oppressive is an adjective and has the following properties:
burdensomeness, heaviness, onerousness, oppressiveness are derivatives of 'oppressive'.
heavy is similar to oppressive.
"the atmosphere was oppressive", "oppressive sorrows"
Under this definition, oppressive is an adjective and has the following properties:
tyrannical, tyrannous have the same meaning as 'oppressive'
autocrat, despot, oppress, persecute, oppression, oppressiveness, tyrant, absolutism, despotism, suppress, crush, tyranny are derivatives of 'oppressive'.
domineering is similar to oppressive.
"the oppressive government", "oppressive laws", "a tyrannical parent", "tyrannous disregard of human rights"