Letters that make excogitate
a, o, e, g, c, t, i, x are letters that make 'excogitate'
Words within excogitate
cog, tat, IT, Gita, te, git, Tate, at, XC, Gi, TAT, ex, xc, GI, CO, Ate, At, Co, Ta, Te, cogitate are words within 'excogitate'
a, o, e, g, c, t, i, x are letters that make 'excogitate'
cog, tat, IT, Gita, te, git, Tate, at, XC, Gi, TAT, ex, xc, GI, CO, Ate, At, Co, Ta, Te, cogitate are words within 'excogitate'
2 possible definitions for 'excogitate'
Under this definition, excogitate is a verb and has the following properties:
think over, meditate, ponder, reflect, ruminate, speculate, mull, contemplate, chew over, mull over, muse have the same meaning as 'excogitate'
cogitate, bethink, premeditate, theologize, theologise, introspect, question, puzzle, consider, study, wonder are types of 'excogitate'.
meditation, pensive, reflective, muser, ponderer, ruminator, contemplation, thoughtfulness, speculation, reflection, reflexion, pondering, muller, inquisitive, speculative, questioning, wondering(a), brooding, broody, contemplative, meditative, musing, ruminative, excogitative, rumination, muse are derivatives of 'excogitate'.
"I mulled over the events of the afternoon", "philosophers have speculated on the question of God for thousands of years", "The scientist must stop to observe and start to excogitate"
Under this definition, excogitate is a verb and has the following properties:
'excogitate' can be a type of create by mental act, create mentally.
excogitator, discoverer, inventor, contriver, deviser, innovation, conception, invention, excogitation, formula, imaginative, inventive, planner, conceptualization, artificer, devising, fashioning, making, design, devisal, contrivance, conceptualisation, formulation are derivatives of 'excogitate'.
"excogitate a way to measure the speed of light"