Letters that make esurient
s, e, n, r, t, i, u are letters that make 'esurient'
s, e, n, r, t, i, u are letters that make 'esurient'
3 possible definitions for 'esurient'
Under this definition, esurient is an adjective and has the following properties:
voraciousness, edacity, esurience, ravenousness, voracity are derivatives of 'esurient'.
hungry is similar to esurient.
"they were tired and famished for food and sleep", "a ravenous boy", "the family was starved and ragged", "fell into the esurient embrance of a predatory enemy"
Under this definition, esurient is an adjective and has the following properties:
avid, greedy, devouring(a) have the same meaning as 'esurient'
"avid for adventure", "an avid ambition to succeed", "fierce devouring affection", "the esurient eyes of an avid curiosity", "greedy for fame"
Under this definition, esurient is an adjective and has the following properties:
edacious, rapacious, ravening, ravenous, voracious, wolfish have the same meaning as 'esurient'
edacity, voracity, voraciousness, rapaciousness, esurience, ravenousness, rapacity are derivatives of 'esurient'.
gluttonous is similar to esurient.