Letters that make economist
s, o, e, n, c, m, t, i are letters that make 'economist'
Words within economist
mi, EC, MI, mist, Ono, on, no, con, CO, Co, No are words within 'economist'
s, o, e, n, c, m, t, i are letters that make 'economist'
mi, EC, MI, mist, Ono, on, no, con, CO, Co, No are words within 'economist'
1 possible definitions for 'economist'
Under this definition, economist is a noun and has the following properties:
economic expert has the same meaning as economist
'economist' can be a type of social scientist.
econometrician, econometrist, macroeconomist, microeconomist, microeconomic expert, macroeconomic expert, monetarist are types of 'economist'.
Milton Friedman, William Stanley Jevons, Beveridge, William Henry Beveridge, Ragnar Frisch, Ragnar Anton Kittil Frisch, Galbraith, John Galbraith, John Kenneth Galbraith, Hayek, Friedrich August von Hayek, Jevons, Keynes, John Maynard Keynes, Tjalling Koopmans, Tjalling Charles Koopmans, Kuznets, Simon Kuznets, Laffer, Arthur Laffer, Stephen Leacock, Stephen Butler Leacock, Leontief, Wassily Leontief, Malthus, Thomas Malthus, Thomas Robert Malthus, Marx, Karl Marx, Meade, Mill, John Mill, John Stuart Mill, Monnet, Jean Monnet, Myrdal, Gunnar Myrdal, Karl Gunnar Myrdal, Pareto, Vilfredo Pareto, Ricardo, David Ricardo, Schumpeter, Joseph Schumpeter, Joseph Alois Schumpeter, Simon, Herbert A. Simon, Herbert Alexander Simon, Smith, Adam Smith, Tawney, Richard Henry Tawney, Tinbergen, Jan Tinbergen, Tobin, James Tobin, Anne Robert Jacques Turgot, Thorstein Veblen, Thorstein Bunde Veblen, Woodbury, Helen Laura Sumner Woodbury, Baroness Jackson of Lodsworth, Webb, Sidney Webb, Sidney James Webb, First Baron Passfield, First Baron Beveridge, Herb Simon, Turgot, James Edward Meade, Friedman, Frisch, Koopmans, Leacock, Ward, Barbara Ward, Veblen. are instances of 'economist'
'economist' can be a member of economics profession.
economy, economic system are derivatives of 'economist'.