Letters that make auditor
a, o, d, r, t, i, u are letters that make 'auditor'
auditory, auditors are words created by adding a letter to 'auditor'
3 possible definitions for 'auditor'
Under this definition, auditor is a noun and has the following properties:
'auditor' can be a type of beholder, perceiver, percipient, observer.
eavesdropper is a type of auditor.
'auditor' can be a member of audience.
hear, listen, pay heed, give ear, take heed, attend, advert, hang are derivatives of 'auditor'.
Under this definition, auditor is a noun and has the following properties:
audit is a derivative of auditor.
Under this definition, auditor is a noun and has the following properties:
'auditor' can be a type of accountant, controller, comptroller.
internal auditor is a type of auditor.
inspect, scrutinize, scrutinise, audit are derivatives of 'auditor'.