family Lactobacillaceae

Letters that make family Lactobacillaceae

a, o, b, e, f, l, c, m, t, i, y are letters that make 'family Lactobacillaceae'

Words within family Lactobacillaceae

lace, OB, AM, act, BA, mi, fa, la, family, ACE, MI, Ba, AC, mil, Ci, Ea, ill, il, ci, ace, CE, CT, Bacillaceae, Lactobacillaceae, IL, LA, Ob, Ac, Am, Ce, La, lac are words within 'family Lactobacillaceae'

1 possible definitions for 'family Lactobacillaceae'

Family Lactobacillaceae as "lactic acid bacteria and important pathogens, bacteria that ferment carbohydrates chiefly into lactic acid"

Under this definition, family lactobacillaceae is a noun and has the following properties:


Lactobacillaceae, Lactobacteriaceae, family Lactobacteriaceae have the same meaning as 'family Lactobacillaceae'

family Lactobacillaceae as a type

'family Lactobacillaceae' can be a type of bacteria family.

family Lactobacillaceae as a member

'family Lactobacillaceae' can be a member of Monera, kingdom Monera, Prokayotae, kingdom Prokaryotae.

Members of family Lactobacillaceae

genus Lactobacillus, genus Diplococcus, genus Streptococcus are members of 'family Lactobacillaceae'.

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