
Letters that make brand

a, b, d, n, r are letters that make 'brand'

Words within brand

AN, bran, BR, Rand, rand, bra, RA, ND, Ra, Br, Nd are words within 'brand'

Words created by adding a letter to the beginning or end of brand

Brandt, brandy, brands are words created by adding a letter to 'brand'

10 possible definitions for 'brand'

Brand as "a recognizable kind"

Under this definition, brand is a noun and has the following properties:


make has the same meaning as brand

brand as a type

'brand' can be a type of form, variety, kind, sort.

Derivatives of brand

create, build, construct, make, produce are derivatives of 'brand'.

Example of brand used within this context

"there's a new brand of hero in the movies now", "what make of car is that?"

Brand as "a cutting or thrusting weapon that has a long metal blade and a hilt with a hand guard"

Under this definition, brand is a noun and has the following properties:


sword, blade, steel have the same meaning as 'brand'

brand as a type

'brand' can be a type of arm, weapon, weapon system.

Types of brand

backsword, broadsword, cavalry sword, saber, sabre, cutlas, cutlass, fencing sword, rapier, tuck, falchion are types of 'brand'.

Instances of brand

Excalibur. is an instance of brand

Parts of brand

blade, foible, haft, helve, hilt, forte, peak, point, tip are parts of 'brand'.

Brand as "identification mark on skin, made by burning"

Under this definition, brand is a noun and has the following properties:

brand as a type

'brand' can be a type of marking, marker, mark.

Derivatives of brand

brand is a derivative of brand.

Brand as "a symbol of disgrace or infamy"

Under this definition, brand is a noun and has the following properties:


mark, stigma, stain have the same meaning as 'brand'

brand as a type

'brand' can be a type of symbol.

Types of brand

cloven foot, demerit, bar sinister, bend sinister, cloven hoof are types of 'brand'.

Derivatives of brand

stigmatise, brand, post, defile, sully, denounce, mark, tarnish, stigmatize, stigmatic, maculate, stain are derivatives of 'brand'.

Brand as "a name given to a product or service"

Under this definition, brand is a noun and has the following properties:


trade name, brand name, marque have the same meaning as 'brand'

brand as a type

'brand' can be a type of name.

Types of brand

label, recording label are types of 'brand'.

Uses of brand

acebutolol, Sectral, alprazolam, ampicillin, Principen, Polycillin, amrinone, Inocor, acetylsalicylic acid, Bayer, Empirin, St. Joseph, cefadroxil, Ultracef, cefoperazone, Cefobid, cefotaxime, Claforan, ceftazidime, Fortaz, Tazicef, ceftriaxone, Rocephin, celecoxib, Celebrex, cephalexin, Keflex, Keftab, cephalosporin, Mefoxin, cerivastatin, Baycol, chlorambucil, Leukeran, chlordiazepoxide, Librium, Libritabs, chlorothiazide, Diuril, Coricidin, Chlor-Trimeton, chlorpromazine, Thorazine, chlortetracycline, Aureomycin, cimetidine, Tagamet, Cipro, clofibrate, Atromid-S, clomiphene, clomiphene citrate, clonidine, Catapres, clopidogrel bisulfate, Plavix, cyclobenzaprine, Flexeril, cyproheptadine, Periactin, demeclocycline hydrochloride, Declomycin, Dexedrine, diazepam, Valium, diazoxide, Hyperstat, diclofenac potassium, Cataflam, diclofenac sodium, Voltaren, Dynapen, diflunisal, Dolobid, digoxin, diltiazem, Cardizem, dimenhydrinate, Dramamine, diphenylhydantoin, phenytoin, Dilantin, disulfiram, Antabuse, enalapril, Vasotec, encainide, Enkaid, enflurane, Ethrane, Erythrocin, E-Mycin, Ilosone, esmolol, Brevibloc, estazolam, ProSom, etanercept, Enbrel, ethacrynic acid, Edecrin, ethchlorvynol, Placidyl, ethosuximide, Emeside, Zarontin, etodolac, Lodine, famotidine, Pepcid, felt-tip pen, felt-tipped pen, felt tip, Magic Marker, fenoprofen, fenoprofen calcium, Tambocor, fluoxetine hydrocholoride, Prozac, Sarafem, flurazepam, flurazepam hydrochloride, Dalmane, flurbiprofen, Ansaid, fluvastatin, Lescol, furosemide, Lasix, gemfibrozil, Lopid, gentamicin, Garamycin, glipizide, Glucotrol, glutethimide, Doriden, glyburide, DiaBeta, Micronase, griseofulvin, Fulvicin, guanabenz, Wytensin, haloperidol, Haldol, Microzide, Esidrix, HydroDIURIL, hydromorphone, Dilaudid, hydroxychloroquine, Plaquenil, hydroxyzine hydrochloride, hydroxyzine, Atarax, Vistaril, isobutylphenyl propionic acid, Advil, Motrin, Nuprin, Tofranil, indapamide, Lozal, Indocin, Remicade, ipratropium bromide, Atrovent, isocarboxazid, Marplan, isoniazid, INH, Nydrazid, isoproterenol, isosorbide, Isordil, itraconazole, Sporanox, Torodal, kanamycin, Kantrex, ketoprofen, Orudis, Orudis KT, Oruvail, ketorolac, Acular, Toradol, Kinetoscope, Arava, levallorphan, Lorfan, Lidocaine, Xylocaine, lincomycin, lisinopril, Prinival, Zestril, Ativan, loxapine, Loxitane, mannitol, Osmitrol, meclizine, meclizine hydrochloride, Antivert, meclofenamate sodium, Meclomen, melphalan, Alkeran, meperidine, meperidine hydrochloride, Demerol, Mesantoin, mephobarbital, meprobamate, Miltown, Equanil, mercaptopurine, metformin, methaqualone, Quaalude, metharbital, Gemonil, methenamine, Mandelamine, Urex, Robaxin, methyldopa, alpha methyl dopa, Aldomet, methylphenidate, Ritalin, metronidazole, Flagyl, mexiletine, Mexitil, miconazole, Monistat, midazolam, Versed, mild silver protein, Argyrol, Minocin, mithramycin, Mithracin, molindone, nabumetone, Relafen, nadolol, Corgard, naloxone, Narcan, naphazoline, Sudafed, naproxen, Naprosyn, nefazodone, Serzone, neomycin, fradicin, Neobiotic, neostigmine, Prostigmin, nifedipine, Procardia, Macrodantin, Nitrospan, Nitrostat, nortriptyline, Pamelor, nystatin, Mycostatin, Nystan, orphenadrine, Norflex, oxaprozin, Daypro, oxazepam, Serax, oxyphenbutazone, Tandearil, oxyphencyclimine, Daricon, Kavrin, paroxetime, Paxil, penicillamine, penicillin V potassium, Ledercillin VK, Peritrate, pentazocine, Talwin, pentobarbital sodium, pentobarbital, Nembutal, pentoxifylline, Trental, perphenazine, Triavil, phenelzine, Nardil, phensuximide, Milontin, phentolamine, Vasomax, phenylbutazone, Butazolidin, pindolol, Visken, piroxicam, Feldene, Minipress, Mysoline, procaine, Ethocaine, procaine hydrochloride, novocaine, Novocain, procyclidine, Kemadrin, promethazine, propanolol, Inderal, propoxyphene hydrochloride, Darvon, quinacrine hydrochloride, mepacrine, Atabrine, quinidine, Quinidex, Quinora, ramipril, Altace, ranitidine, Zantac, Raudixin, Rau-Sed, Sandril, Serpasil, ribavirin, Virazole, rifampin, Rifadin, Vioxx, sanitary napkin, sanitary towel, Kotex, cling film, clingfilm, Saran Wrap, secobarbital sodium, Seconal, red devil, sertraline, Zoloft, sildenafil, sildenafil citrate, simvastatin, Zocor, Tampax, Carafate, sulfacetamide, Sulamyd, sulfisoxazole, Gantrisin, sulindac, Clinoril, Restoril, terazosin, terbinafine, Lamisil, Achromycin, Elixophyllin, Slo-Bid, Theobid, thimerosal, Merthiolate, thiopental, thioridazine, Mellaril, thiothixene, Navane, timolol, Blocadren, tissue plasminogen activator, Activase, Nebcin, tocainide, Tonocard, Tolinase, tolbutamide, Orinase, tolmetin sodium, Tolectin, trandolapril, Mavik, trazodone hydrochloride, Desyrel, Halcion, trichlormethiazide, Naqua, Depokene, vancomycin, Vancocin, verapamil, Calan, Isoptin, vinblastine, Velban, vincristine, Oncovin, walker, Zimmer, Zimmer frame, warfarin, Coumadin, Zamboni, Ergotrate Maleate, norethindrone, estrone, Orasone, Liquid Pred, gallamine, nitroglycerin, glyceryl trinitrate, lactase, Imavate, Alupent, methocarbamol, yellow jacket, Pyridium, Pipracil, Pravachol, prazosin, primidone, Cialis, Pentothal, antihemophilic factor, antihaemophilic factor, antihemophilic globulin, factor VIII, Hemofil, triamcinolone, Aristocort, Aristopak, Kenalog, SK-Ampicillin, aspirin, Keflin, chlorpheniramine maleate, ciprofloxacin, Clomid, dextroamphetamine sulphate, dicloxacillin, Lanoxin, erythromycin, Ethril, Pediamycin, Nalfon, flecainide, hydrochlorothiazide, hydromorphone hydrochloride, ibuprofen, imipramine, impramine hydrochloride, indomethacin, Isuprel, ketorolac tromethamine, leflunomide, Lincocin, lorazepam, lovastatin, Mevacor, meclofenamate, mephenytoin, Mebaral, Meprin, Purinethol, metaproterenol, Glucophage, minocycline, mitomycin, Mutamycin, Moban, Privine, nitrofurantoin, papaverine, Cuprimine, pentaerythritol, phenazopyridine, piperacillin, pneumococcal vaccine, Pneumovax, Polaroid, Polaroid camera, Polaroid Land camera, pravastatin, Phenergan, propoxyphene, quinacrine, reserpine, Rimactane, rofecoxib, secobarbital, Viagra, sucralfate, tadalafil, temazepam, Hytrin, tetracycline, sodium ethylmercurithiosalicylate, thiopental sodium, thiopentobarbital sodium, tobramycin, tolazamide, trazodone, triazolam, Xanax, potassium muriate, antihaemophilic globulin, Deltasone, Lactaid, fluoxetine, polypropenonitrile, Acrilan, theophylline, valproic acid, Adrenalin, oxytocin, Pitressin, epinephrine, epinephrin, adrenaline, recombinant human insulin, Humulin, Pitocin, vasopressin, antidiuretic hormone, ADH, L-dopa, levodopa, Bendopa, Brocadopa, Larodopa, ergonovine, progesterone, Lipo-Lutin, norethindrone acetate, norethandrolone, Norlutin, medroxyprogesterone, Provera, nandrolone, Durabolin, Kabolin, oestrone, theelin, Estronol, hydrocortisone, cortisol, Hydrocortone, Cortef, cortisone, Cortone Acetate, prednisolone, Pediapred, Prelone, prednisone, Meticorten, dexamethasone, Decadron, Dexamethasone Intensol, Dexone, Hexadrol, Oradexon, spironolactone, Aldactone, lansoprazole, Prevacid, omeprazole, Prilosec, dopamine, Dopastat, Intropin, Flaxedil, potassium chloride, potash muriate, K-Dur 20, Kaochlor, K-lor, Klorvess, K-lyte, nitroglycerine, trinitroglycerin, hyaluronidase, spreading factor, Hyazyme, nitrogen trichloride, Agene, infliximab, Simoniz are useages of 'brand'.

Brand as "a piece of wood that has been burned or is burning"

Under this definition, brand is a noun and has the following properties:


firebrand has the same meaning as brand

brand as a type

'brand' can be a type of firewood.

Brand as "mark or expose as infamous"

Under this definition, brand is a verb and has the following properties:


post has the same meaning as brand

brand as a type

'brand' can be a type of call.

Derivatives of brand

mark, brand, stigma, stain are derivatives of 'brand'.

Example of brand used within this context

"She was branded a loose woman"

Brand as "mark with a brand or trademark"

Under this definition, brand is a verb and has the following properties:


brandmark, trademark have the same meaning as 'brand'

brand as a type

'brand' can be a type of label, mark, tag.

Example of brand used within this context

"when this product is not branded it sells for a lower price"

Brand as "burn with a branding iron to indicate ownership, of animals"

Under this definition, brand is a verb and has the following properties:

brand as a type

'brand' can be a type of mark.

Derivatives of brand

brand is a derivative of brand.

Brand as "to accuse or condemn or openly or formally or brand as disgraceful"

Under this definition, brand is a verb and has the following properties:


stigmatise, denounce, mark, stigmatize have the same meaning as 'brand'

brand as a type

'brand' can be a type of label.

Derivatives of brand

branding, mark, brand, stigma, comminatory, denunciative, denunciatory, stain, stigmatization, stigmatisation, denunciation, denouncement are derivatives of 'brand'.

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